It Gets Real

Ok, so I’ve toyed around for a week now, more days of eating healthy than not, but it still wasn’t sitting right with me.  I needed to do something drastic, something that would make a difference.  So this evening I went out to purchase the difference maker, I bought a scale.  My philosophy behind it is this quote by Jay Z,  “Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t”.  When I look at what that scale says I can not deny anything.  It will tell me, “You’re making progress”, or “You’re stinking up the place.”

I’m really focused on doing this.  Even if it’s only to fit back into some suits I had tailored when I was down to 240. I refuse to purchase suits at this size.  So I have waged a war against myself.  I am slowly but surely equipping myself with all the tools necessary.  The first battle is to lose five pounds in a month, then to keep that fighting momentum.

I can do it, I just have to stay prayed up, and focused.  This means a lot to me. I don’t know why but it does.  So the journey continues, rebuilding the temple that years of negligence, stagnant periods and, as it is stated in the Bible, gluttonous behavior at times, has produced.  I will keep moving.  Success is my destination and my cause is life!

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